Im Out of Quests in Zandalar How to I Continue to Rep 7th Legion
2018-08-24,04:40 PM #1
The Lightbringer
What exactly gives 7th Legion Rep?
Since expansion is current I dont mind a rep grind. However I cant figure out what gives the rep. For previous Allied Races that were unlocked back in Legion just progressing through the zone associated with said race usually at least got you progress into Honored. However as Im questing through Zandalar Im noticing nothing gives me 7th Legion rep. So does that mean we are at the mercy of the mission table and WQ roulette? I feel like if Im running my ass all over a hostile continent for these people they should at least like me more for risking my life to do so.
2018-08-24,04:42 PM #2
Bloodsail Admiral
wouldnt mind knowing that as well as im trying to get the next quest to pop up so I can unlock Kings Rest.
2018-08-24,04:47 PM #3
The Lightbringer
Im pretty sure this is literally the first time in the history of WoW where questing gives NO reputation rewards. Name one zone where you never got rep on your way to Loremaster? Now maybe there are a few quests that give rep but if they exist they are few and far between. Every other zone in this expansion gives rep associated with said zone for pretty much every quest you do. "Here go deliver this package 20 feet to that guy and btw heres 75rep cause im lazy" Meanwhile 7th legion be like "Go into this cursed temple of doom and kill 100 things, but no rep for you" Seriously do I need to donate my liver to one of these booze guzzling fire dwarves for them to like me enough to unlock their race?
Last edited by Lilly32; 2018-08-24 at 04:52 PM.
2018-08-24,04:49 PM #4
Many Alliance quests on Zandalar (in addition to almost all WQ on Zandalar) give 7th Legion rep.
2018-08-24,04:58 PM #5
The Lightbringer
War campaign quests and world quests on Zandalar, a long with maxing out your azerite from the island expeditions every week and completing the emissaries when they pop up.
2018-08-24,05:01 PM #6
Scarab Lord
As horde we get honorbound rep on kul tiras as ally you will get 7th legion rep doing wq's on zandalar
Originally Posted by Tennisace
2018-08-24,05:08 PM #7
The Lightbringer
i 100% understand that WQs give 7th legion rep. That thing Im having trouble understanding is when a ! appears over a NPC thats flagged as 7th Legion and I do his quest then why doesnt it give me rep
2018-08-24,05:19 PM #8
Originally Posted by Lilly32
We've had questing zones and subzones since vanilla that give no rep to any faction.
Name one zone where you never got rep on your way to Loremaster? Now maybe there are a few quests that give rep but if they exist they are few and far between. Every other zone in this expansion gives rep associated with said zone for pretty much every quest you do. "Here go deliver this package 20 feet to that guy and btw heres 75rep cause im lazy"
Meanwhile 7th legion be like "Go into this cursed temple of doom and kill 100 things, but no rep for you" Seriously do I need to donate my liver to one of these booze guzzling fire dwarves for them to like me enough to unlock their race?
2018-08-24,05:31 PM #9
Originally Posted by Lilly32
2018-08-24,05:47 PM #10
The Lightbringer
Originally Posted by RobertMugabe
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