I Feel So Dumb Its Funny


Sorry to hear you are sick. When you are exhausted, it easy to miss things. I hope you recovery quickly.

For my situated, if felt like a bad comedy skit. It felt like slow motion ridiculousness .

Thanks for replying and caring it really means a lot to me have been feeling pretty down, sad and alone lately so seeing your kind reply to me is very helpful and encouraging :) It's also very reassuring to feel understood and empathized with rather than judged in terms of the forgetting the dish thing so thank you for saying that too.

I get what you said about your situation feeling like a slo-mo comedy skit, any time I've slipped or fallen in public it's felt the same for me. After it happens I just get up and walk away as quick as I possibly can, all the while wishing I could turn myself invisible til I'm home again lol.


Thanks for replying and caring it really means a lot to me have been feeling pretty down, sad and alone lately so seeing your kind reply to me is very helpful and encouraging :) It's also very reassuring to feel understood and empathized with rather than judged in terms of the forgetting the dish thing so thank you for saying that too.

I get what you said about your situation feeling like a slo-mo comedy skit, any time I've slipped or fallen in public it's felt the same for me. After it happens I just get up and walk away as quick as I possibly can, all the while wishing I could turn myself invisible til I'm home again lol.

YW @JMG . Be well.

I also feel dumb when i reread my posts AFTER i post it and see grammar errors. English is even my first language! 🤦‍♀️😂.
Thankfully, here, I know most people overlook those errors. ❤️

Witty⭐️Sarcasm ⭐️

YW @JMG . Be well.

I also feel dumb when i reread my posts AFTER i post it and see grammar errors. English is even my first language! 🤦‍♀️😂.
Thankfully, here, I know most people overlook those errors. ❤️

Lol I never notice mistakes when I'm writing my stories, but of course I always notice them after they've been published. :D



Lol I never notice mistakes when I'm writing my stories, but of course I always notice them after they've been published. :D

Unless my mistakes on my writing make things confusing I leave them as is. Kind of a reminder to not take myself too seriously, be stupid and a bit of silly because that is how life should be.



"I feel so stupid when I do this"

Tried to alleviate anxiety with cake.


a couple of weeks before my 64 dodge went into storage a blinker bulb went out. i put it off and forgot about it all winter. i took my car out of storage 6 or so weeks ago , noticed it again. she's been sitting in my driveway all this time and i forgot again. took her out for a test drive after my son fixed my car today, noticed it again. i hope i fix it before a cop sees it lol. it's a 5 minute job and only costs 2 bucks lol.


I feel stupid for the people I have some care about being driven away by me and blocking me. I don't know why it keeps happening.


I feel stupid for the people I have some care about being driven away by me and blocking me. I don't know why it keeps happening.

I'm sorry that keeps happening to you. *hug*

Holding my breath

When I forget to check pockets before putting clothes into the washing machine and when the washing has finished I pull out piles of shredded tissue stuck to all the clothes!


When I forget to check pockets before putting clothes into the washing machine and when the washing has finished I pull out piles of shredded tissue stuck to all the clothes!

it's better than a bunch of shredded 20s, and yes they can shred lol.

mike,,..*hug *shake

Holding my breath

it's better than a bunch of shredded 20s, and yes they can shred lol.

mike,,..*hug *shake



my 64 dodge has been giving me problems this year, that's normal with classic cars, they have good years and bad ones. but after everything going wrong she was fixed and we were cruising. this morning she wouldn't even turn over at all . i had bright lights etc. i checked everything thoroughly b4 i called my son to look at it. all it was was a wire came off the silenoid. i checked the silenoid completely but never saw it. felt so stupid after lol.



this is about my wife and not me. my son gave her a venus fly trap. she saw an ant and fed it to the plant. the plant was faster than she was because it closed on her fingers while going for the ant. she wasn't hurt but she said it smarts lol.



When I get lazy & sit all curled up in the old squashy armchair for a long time even though I know I'm uncomfortable. Seriously it is probably worse for my back than heavy chores lol.

Witty⭐️Sarcasm ⭐️

I told my mom I was going to turn the TV off, and it's not even on.


I was headed out to the pool, and I was so determined to only make one trip that I carried a towel, my phone and a Bluetooth speaker, sunblock, and a 30-ounce Yeti filled with tea while trying to maneuver out the back door. The end result was that I was a fraction of an inch from spilling the tea onto the phone and speaker. Why I was so determined to do it all in 1 trip, I'll never know!



Mama Bear - TLC, Common Sense

Having to stop and think when I'm asked for my phone number.


Having to stop and think when I'm asked for my phone number.

Having to stop and think when I'm asked for my name or age lol :D


Source: https://www.suicideforum.com/community/threads/i-feel-so-stupid-when-i-do-this.168281/page-13

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